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The Neptune-Chernivtsi Academy: Leadership, Democracy, Diplomacy

The Neptune Leadership Academies are agile and transformative in nature. Wherever we go, we have brought results driven achievements around Central and Eastern Europe whose participants span over 50 countries and number in the thousands globally. Our academic activities are theoretical and practical designed that pushes our participants out of their comfort zone and into real life situations. We believe that if our participants choose to spend time at our academies, it is on us to deliver a life altering academic experience to carry with them for the rest of their lives. Their time with us will create regional and a global networks fostering communication between the democratic leaders of tomorrow. 

The Neptune-Chernivtsi Academy: Leadership, Democracy, Diplomacy

The Neptune partnered with Chernivtsi National University, in South-Western Ukraine. Chernivsti National University was founded in 1875 when it was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The university was granted a UNESCO world heritage site in 2011 and is one of the leading university’s in Ukraine due to its academic achievements and architectural beauty. 

Sample of Course Objectives and Topics: 

  • Critically Identify Each Leadership Style and their Unique Characteristics
  • Cultivate and develop successful business strategies and models for entrepreneurs or launching a new business in the 21st Century 
  • Analyze Leadership Styles of leaders of today and throughout history and determine their style and effectiveness
  • Team Leadership Simulation
  • Examine US Foreign Policy in regards to Central and Eastern Europe including Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Baltic nations, Visegrad nations, and southeastern Europe. 
  • Examine the state of democracy in the CEE since 1989 and 1991 for EAP partner nations
  • Storytelling for Influence 
  • Analyzing AI and Politics
  • Fighting Digital Propaganda 
  • Ending Gender-Based Violence

The Neptune Chernivsti Academy Details:

Participant and Application Information:

The Neptune will accept applications on a global basis. The Neptune aims for a balanced group of university students of all levels and young professionals. Each applicant should be a well-rounded individual who is active both inside and outside the classroom. In the case of young professionals, any extracurricular activities and/or jobs held by a student will be acceptable if the current job responsibilities do not leave much time for extracurricular service. 

The Neptune Application Requirements: 

  1. Basic Information
  2. Current CV/Resume
  3. Short Answer Essay 
  4. Name and Contact of Reference (Cannot be a family member)

Please find all the information here.

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