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Technische Hochschule Lübeck. Summer School: Changing Cities Lab

We are excited to invite CHNU students to the First edition of the Summer School relating to urban planning and design, urban studies and architecture with the theme “CHANGING CITIES LAB” that will take place in Lübeck from July 15 to 25.

Bachelor students are welcome to join the Summer School to conduct research and on-site experiments to develop strategies on "How do we want to deal with our urban heritage in the context of climate change". In addition, participants will be able to explore the UNESCO World Heritage City of Lübeck with region.

Please find more information in the attached flyer about the Summer School, a preliminary program, and information about how to apply. 

Application deadline is March 17, 2024.

We look forward to welcoming CHNU students in Lübeck in July!

Changing Cities Lab Flyer

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