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EIT Community RIS Hub in Ukraine – the Launch Event

On behalf of the EIT SRI Cluster and the EIT Community Office in Ukraine, we cordially invite you to the kick-off event in Kyiv on January 30. The event will showcase financial and non-financial opportunities for Ukrainian businesses, startups, and researchers, along with presenting the outcomes of our collaborative efforts in 2022-2023. A lot of Ukrainian and European stakeholders will be in attendance.

This presents a fantastic opportunity to meet in person and explore potential avenues for future cooperation. Please find the preliminary agenda attached.

Additionally, you can access the registration link and event details on LinkedIn and Facebook. The event will be in hybrid mode, with online participation available via Zoom (link to be circulated shortly) and broadcasted on YouTube. We would greatly appreciate your online or in-person attendance.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Thank you in advance for your participation!😊

EIT Event Jan 30


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