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Call for Applications: Arqus Summer School on Democracy | Ukraine on the Road to Europe

Call for Applications

The war in Eastern Ukraine has been a major challenge for Ukraine's EU integration efforts. The conflict has displaced millions of people and destroyed infrastructure. Despite these difficulties, Ukraine has made progress in reforming its economy and strengthening its institutions. The war has also created a new generation of Ukrainians who are committed to European values and willing to fight for their country's future.

The Ukrainian government has set the goal of becoming a member of the European Union. This is a long-term project that will require significant reform, but it is achievable. The benefits of EU membership are clear: increased trade, investment, and economic growth. Membership would also bring political stability and security to Ukraine.

The road to European integration is not easy, but it is worth pursuing. For Ukraine, the benefits are clear: greater prosperity, security, and democracy for its people.

The “Arqus Summer School on Democracy: Ukraine on the Road to Europe” at the University of Wroclaw is the first summer school organised by the University of Wrocław in partnership with the Arqus European University Alliance and the European Parliament Liaison Office in Wrocław. However, this initiative alludes to the Summer School on Democracy organised by the University of Wrocław (Institute of Political Science) since 2013. The school will provide young scholars with the opportunity to engage in a critical reflection on the Ukraine’s current political and economic transformation.

The summer school will take place from 22 to 26 May 2022 in Wrocław, and expecting to host more than 20 participants. The focus of the school is on “Ukraine on the Road to Europe”. 

During the five days of school, participants will have the opportunity to attend lectures and workshops, and share their points of view on the Ukrainian democratic path to the European Union, and the current war situation. PhD candidates from Ukrainian universities would present political, social and economic changes caused by the war, and PhD candidates from Arqus would present the political, social and economic consequences of war in Ukraine on their countries. The detailed topics are supposed to be related to the scientific interest of individual participants. 

In addition, they will have a chance to visit institutions in Wroclaw such as the Office of the European Parliament in Poland, museums, and other historical institutions.

The school will provide a unique space for open and frank discussions on sensitive topics related to Ukrainian Society’s European choice. It also offers an excellent opportunity for networking and exchanging views among young European professionals from different regions of the country. Overall, the event contributes to a better understanding of Euro-Atlantic integration processes among its participants and helped them develop the necessary skills for effective advocacy of Ukraine’s European aspirations.

The programme is designed for 22 PhD candidates or MA students (14 from Arqus Alliance Universities and 8 from Ukrainian Universities). Eligible applicants can be from disciplines of political science, sociology, history, law, philosophy, economics, communication.

Candidates selection will be based on a competitive basis – assessment of the abstracts of proposed presentations.

Potential participants are required to submit an abstract addressing the political social and/or economic aspects of the war, the public reaction or opinion of the participant's home country, as well as the impact on the economy, the political situation, and the perception of the European Union. The abstract should contain at least 250 words and be submitted in PDF format. The abstract will serve as the basis for a presentation throughout the school's duration.  The school's agenda will include lectures on Poland and Ukraine, as well as presentations by participants and a roundtable discussion. It will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will feature cultural and integration components.

Abstracts must be sent to [email protected]. The deadline for submitting the abstracts is March 25, 2023. Accepted applicants will be notified by April 15, 2023.

Please note that only 2 candidates might be accepted from each partner institution and PhD candidates will have priority.

The program covers all expenditures associated with traveling to and staying in the conference location, including meals and accommodation. Participants will be provided with pocket money to provide public transportation costs etc.

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