Project "Integration of European Values in the fields of Ukrainian Education, Science, and Sports"
The purpose of the project:
- studying the experience of the EU regarding the implementation of European values in the fields of education, science and sports. On this basis, it is planned to develop winter and summer schools, prepare and publish recommendations for the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
Tasks of the project:
- teaching three blocks of the module regarding the specific challenges of the EU in the field of European values in education, science and sports;
- obtaining knowledge based on EU best practices regarding European values in the fields of education, science and sports;
- promoting the spread of the EU's experience with regard to European values in the fields of education, science and sports;
- preparation of recommendations on the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation regarding the principles of integration of European values in the spheres of education, science and sports.
Term: 01.10.2023 – 30.09.2026
DoEU project "Doing Europe – Cohesion and Integration in the European Union"
The purpose and tasks of the project:
- establish an academic dialogue between Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University and Siegen University – at different levels: between students; between teachers; at the level of international departments;
- to acquaint students with basic knowledge about the European Union, its role and significance in the European context, consider the potential of the Eastern Partnership policy and its significance for the EU and Ukraine, exchange different European perspectives – Ukrainian and German – on the vision of political, economic and cultural cooperation;
- consider pro-European citizen initiatives in the context of Ukraine and beyond; to understand the motives of people in Europe who support or oppose European integration.
Term: 1.09.2019 – 31.08.2022
Project "European Union and Its Neighbourhood. Network for Enhancing EU’S Actorness in the Eastern Borderlands"
The purpose and tasks of the project:
- consolidation and promotion of best practices in the field of research and teaching of European studies, in particular regarding EU activities in the eastern border regions by integrating network partners, as well as increasing their role in society.
Term: 09.01.2017 – 08.31.2021
Project "Approaching comprehensive knowledge about European integration in Ukraine"
The purpose and tasks of the project:
- the project aimed to train qualified specialists (experts) in the field of European integration from among students and post-graduate students of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations of the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.
Term: 1.09.2011 – 31.08.2014