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We use our own and third-party cookies and localStorage to analyze web traffic and content distribution.

If you want to opt out of sharing information related to your use of our websites, click accept. After you accept or decline, your settings are stored in browser localStorage. This applies only to the browser you are using and only to the device in use at the time of selection.

Below there is information about the use of cookies and localStorage to use the functionality.

Strictly necessary (System) Settings

The settings are necessary for the website to function and cannot be disabled in our systems. They are only set in response to actions you take that are a request for a service, such as adjusting your privacy settings. These settings do not store any personal information.

Name Description Type State
System settings

Creates 'Privacy Policy Settings' in localStorage with settings according to the user's choice is being created. This is to enable/disable functionality based on selection made. It requires for proper system functioning based on user preferences.


Performance Cookies

Performance cookies are cookies used specifically for gathering data on how visitors use a website, which pages of a website are visited most often, or if they get error messages on web pages. These cookies monitor only the performance of the site as the user interacts with it. These cookies don’t collect identifiable information on visitors, which means all the data collected is anonymous and only used to improve the functionality of a website.

Name Description Type State
Google Tag Manager

Google Analytics is used to analyze user behaviour. Cookies start with _ga or _gid. Cookies have different expiration dates depending on the type. More details about the processing of confidential data can be found on the offcial site


Functionality Cookies

Functionality cookies are used to enhance the performance of a website. Without them, certain functions of the website may not be available. However, they are not vital for a website to run, but they allow to remember important information and user's preferences.

Name Description Type State
Share pages with AddToAny

AddToAny is compatible by default with the European General Data Protection Regulation, and the California Consumer Privacy Act. Cookies won't be created in most cases. See details on the official site.


We use own, third-party cookies, and localStorage files to analyze web traffic and page activities. Privacy Policy Settings