According to the results of selection from 154 HEIs of Ukraine, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University became a participant in the AcademIQ project "Academic integrity and education quality initiative", implemented by the American Councils on International Education in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education and the Embassy USA in Ukraine.
The project, with a total duration of 2 years, is aimed at supporting HEIs of Ukraine in the aspect of building and developing the internal system of ensuring the quality of education and forming a culture of academic integrity. First Vice-rector Vasyl Balukh, Head of the Educational Department Yaroslav Harabazhiv and Head of the Academic Council Commission on academic integrity, legal bases of activity and regulations, dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages Iryna Osovska take part in the project from CHNU.
The project involves familiarization with the fundamental principles of academic integrity as a public good and the issue of learning and teaching, with cases of violations of academic integrity, with methods of academic integrity research, concepts of self-assessment of the infrastructure for ensuring academic integrity and quality of education, consideration of academic integrity as an accreditation criterion, discussion and popularization of the best international practices and experience for use in the academic discourse of Ukraine.

The procedure for canceling a decision on awarding a degree of higher education
Recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Culture for HEIs regarding the principles of academic integrity
Measures to promote academic integrity for 2023
Code of ethics
Rules of academic integrity
Regulations on detection and prevention of plagiarism
Contact persons
Vasyl Balukh – the first Vice-rector
Phone: +38 (0372) 55-19-00, +38 (0372) 58-48-14
E-mail: [email protected]
Iryna Osovska – Head of the Academic Council Commission on academic integrity, legal bases of activity and regulations
Phone: +38 (095) 819-51-40
E-mail: [email protected]
Ethics commissions of structural subdivisions
- Lidiia Khuda - Head of the Commission, associate professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Deputy Director for educational, methodological and educational work ([email protected])
- Antonina Shelifist, associate professor of the Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology ([email protected])
- Halyna Moskalyk, associate professor of the Department of Ecology and Biomonitoring ([email protected])
- Anastasiia Sachko, associate professor of the Department of Chemistry and Food Products Examination ([email protected])
- Oksana Voloschuk, associate professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology ([email protected])
- Ivan Kazimir, associate professor of the Department of Geomatics, Land Management and Agricultural Management ([email protected])
- Alla Tokaryuk, assistant professor of the Department of Botany, Forestry and Horticulture ([email protected])
- Anna Volkova, Head of the Student Parliament ([email protected])
Institute of Physical, Technical and Computer Sciences
- Klavdiya Zenkova, Head of the Commission, Deputy director for educational work ([email protected])
- Inna Yakovleva, associate professor of the Department of Computer Systems and Networks ([email protected])
- Nina Horodynska, assistant professor of the Department of Correlation Optics (0668230931)
- Oksana Voitsekhivska, associate professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Computer Modeling ([email protected])
- Dmytro Koziarskyi, assistant professor of the Department of Electronics and Power Engineering ([email protected])
- Iryna Ivanova, Head of the Student Trade Union office ([email protected])
- Olha Bosovyk, Head of the Student Parliament ([email protected])
- Vasyl Mazurkevich, Head of the Student Council ([email protected])
Faculty of Geography
- Stepan Bryk, Head of the Commission, Deputy Dean for Educational Work and Work in Dormitories (+380660729196)
- Anton Melnyk, assistant of the Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Territory Management (+380990223405)
- Halyna Khodan, assistant of the Department of Physical geography, Geomorphology and Paleogeography (+380509129028)
- Halyna Krul, associate professor of the Department of Geography and Tourism Management (+380506080802)
- Natalya Zablotovska, associate professor of the Department of Geography of Ukraine and Regional Studies (+380501001224)
- Tetyana Yemchuk, assistant professor of the Department of Economic Geography and Environmental Management (+380508561452)
- Klavdiya Kilinska, professor of the Department of Geography and Tourism Management (+380503742512)
- Olha Palanychko, associate professor of the Department of Geography of Ukraine and Regional Studies (+380502070424)
- Yuliia Timofeeva, Secretary of the Student Parliament of the Faculty of Geography (+380979280830)
- Anastasiia Bezushko, acting Head of the Student Professional Bureau of the Faculty of Geography (+380982748463)
- Yevhenii Sandulyak, Head of the Student Council of the Faculty of Geography (+380960926504)
Faculty of Economics
- Iryna Zrybneva, Head of the Commission, associate professor of the Department of Marketing, Innovation and Regional Development (0507572252)
- Larysa Skrashchuk, assistant of the Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling (0502837004)
- Iryna Rohovska, assistant at the Department of International Economics (0505247165)
- Iryna Nikyforak, associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit (0506905859)
- Lyubov Vodyanka, associate professor of the Department of Business and Personnel Management (0505907085)
- Natalya Bak, associate professor of the Department of Finance and Credit (0507471033)
- Tetyana Zavolichna, assistant professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Management and Administration (0506712004)
- Evelina Balanda, student (0950122218; [email protected])
- Olha Dolitsoi, student (0669011780; [email protected])
- Oleksandra Korostyuk, student (0954748244; korostyuk.oleksandra@com)
- Alina Synzheryan, student (0951477140; [email protected])
- Anhelina Kharovska, student (0667948724; [email protected])
- Antonina Myroniak, student (0660361673; [email protected])
- Iryna Bilyk, student (0680866189; [email protected])
Faculty of Foreign Languages
- Tetyana Kolisnychenko, Head of the Commission, Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work (0952043435)
- Maryna Smirnova, associate professor of the Department of Romance Philology and Translation (0501860784)
- Natalya Melnychuk, assistant of the Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences Faculties (0956311433)
- Yuliia Melnyk, associate professor of the Department of Germanic, General and Comparative Linguistics (0509816248)
- Mykhailo Lukashchuk, assistant professor of the English Language Department (0953249116)
- Tetyana Hafu, assistant professor of the Department of Communicative Linguistics and Translation (0500215765)
- Nataliia Holovatska, associate professor of the Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities Faculties (0509817173)
- Maksym Sidor, Head of the Student Council of the Faculty of Foreign Languages (0976738753)
- Bohdana Krechuniak, Head of the Student Trade Union office (0680541255)
Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations
- Iryna Tsikul, Head of the Commission, associate professor of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration (+38 050 577 3742, [email protected]);
- Andrii Minayev, associate professor of the Department of World History (+38 095 588 0877, [email protected]);
- Oleksandr Rusnak, assistant professor of the Department of History of Ukraine (+38 095 331 7271, [email protected]);
- Oleksandra Hissa-Ivanovych, assistant professor of the Department of International Relations (+38 050 579 1046, [email protected]);
- Valentyna Bohatyrets, associate professor of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Translation (+38 050 618 8405, [email protected]);
- Oleksandra Pleskach, Head of the Student Trade Union (+38 066 430 5357, [email protected]);
- Yuliia Petei, Head of the Student Parliament (+38 066 084 1389, [email protected]).
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Olena Karlova, Head of the Commission, Deputy Dean for Scientific Work and International Relations (+380 50 986 03 36)
- Vadym Hanevych, Head of the Student Union (+380 99 496 61 48)
- Tetyana Hotynchan, associate professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling (+380 95 029 64 80)
- Victoria Luchko, assistant professor of the Department of Algebra and Computer Science (+380 95 784 15 45)
- Liliia Melnychuk, assistant professor of the Department of Differential Equations (+380 50 221 80 84)
- Myroslav Nemytyy, representative of the Student Parliament (+380 66 751 88 58)
- Vasyl Nesterenko, associate professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis (+380 50 283 07 18)
- Halyna Pasichnyk, associate professor of the Department of Mathematical Modeling, responsible for academic integrity at the faculty (+380 96 774 79 61)
- Bohdan Shepetyuk, associate professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (+380 50 541 55 80)
Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work
- Serhii Karmalyuk, Head of the Commission), Deputy Dean for Educational and Organizational Work ([email protected])
- Tetyana Koltunovych, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education ([email protected])
- Natalya Nikula, Deputy Dean for Educational Work ([email protected])
- Olha Shestopuz, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education ([email protected])
- Andrii Kambur, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Social Work ([email protected])
- Kateryna Kuznetsova, assistant of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool Education ([email protected])
- Iryna Kushnir, professor of the Department of Practical Psychology ([email protected])
- Halyna Chuyko, associate professor of the Department of Psychology ([email protected])
- Iryna Boychuk, associate professor of the Department of Music ([email protected])
- Vitalina Rotar, student ([email protected])
- Daryna Leheta, student ([email protected])
- Mariia Tatsiuk, student ([email protected])
- Nataliia Danilova, student ([email protected])
- Mariiana Zubatiuk, student ([email protected])
- Tetiana Pelepiuk, student ([email protected])
Faculty of Philology
- Larysa Markuliak, Head of the Commission, associate professor of the Department of Ukrainian Literature (+38 095 1527846, [email protected]);
- Halyna Artemenko, assistant of the Department of History and Language Culture (+38 0507092042, [email protected]);
- Olha Melenchuk, assistant professor of the Department of Ukrainian Literature (+38 0999095356, [email protected]);
- Roman Paziuk, associate professor of the Department of Journalism (+38 0667853822, [email protected]);
- Ivanna Struk, assistant professor of the Department of Modern Ukrainian Language (+38 0663078283, [email protected]);
- Alyona Tychinina, assistant of the Department of Foreign Literature (+38 0992255201, [email protected]);
- Kristinia Paladyan, Head of the Department of Romanian and Classical Philology (+38 0504343231, [email protected]);
- Kateryna Shestakova, assistant of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies (+38 0955510601, [email protected]);
- Anastasiia Savchuk, Head of the Student Parliament of the Faculty (+38 0958146736, [email protected]);
- Tetiana Boka, Head of the Professional Bureau of the Faculty (0956761032, [email protected]);
- Khrystyna Lazoryk, Head of the Student Council of the Faculty (0978177610, [email protected]).
Faculty of Physical Culture and Human Health
- Oksana Kyselytsia, Head of the Commission, Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work (+38 0507282517);
- Taras Palahniuk, Deputy Head, Head of the Department of Physical Education (+38 0506757595);
- Bohdan Urushchak, professor at the Department of Military Training (+38 0672936837);
- Ivan Vaskan, associate professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Basics of Health (+38 0992255240);
- Svitlana Duditska, professor the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports (+38 0505550983);
- Petro Horiuk, assistant of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports (+38 0660755718);
- Olena Zendyk, senior professor at the Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy and Pre-medical Care (+38 0506889540);
- Andrii Brazhaniuk, assistant of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy and Pre-medical Care (+38 0996326485);
- Bohdan Dudka, Head of the Student Trade Union office (+38 0965448509);
- Kateryna Zhyhaliuk, Head of the Student Parliament (+38 0988760670);
- Nikita Hulin, student (+38 0995262062).
Faculty of Architecture, Construction, Decorative and Applied Arts
- Olena Kutsyk, Head, Deputy Dean for Educational and Organizational Work, assistant of the Department of Construction, [email protected]
- Nataliia Hatezh, assistant of the Department of Decorative and Applied and Fine Arts, [email protected]
- Nataliia Horbachova, assistant of the Department of Urban Planning and Urbanism, [email protected]
- Anatolii Dovhaniuk, assistant professor of the Department of Architecture and Conservation of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, [email protected]
- Anastasriia Homeniuk, student, [email protected]
Faculty of Law
- Oleh Orlovskii, Head of the Commission, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law for Educational Work, associate professor of the Department of Private Law ([email protected] +38 050 526 00 76)
- Oksana Melenko, Deputy Head of the Commission, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law for Educational and Methodological Work, associate professor of the Department of Public Law ([email protected] +38 050 577 85 59)
- Alyona Burka, Secretary of the Commission, associate professor of the Department of Private Law ([email protected] +38 095 471 01 68)
- Oleksandr Hetmantsev, associate professor of the Department of Procedural Law ([email protected] +38 050 661 27 70)
- Andrii Shevchuk, associate professor of the Department of Criminal Law ([email protected] +38 050 570 96 15)
- Ivan Toronchuk, Associate Professor of the Department of International Law and Comparative Jurisprudence ([email protected] +38 099 228 91 46)
- Oksana Bunchuk, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Rights and Human Rights ([email protected] +38 050 627 48 42)
- Serhii Shvetsov, Head of the Student Professional Bureau of the Faculty of Law ([email protected] +38 066 073 24 86)
- Olena Kiril, acting Head of the Student Parliament of the Faculty of Law ([email protected] +38 095 676 54 78).
Useful information
Briefly about the main thing:
"Plagiarism = Copyright Infringement?":
"How to survive without self-plagiarism?":
"How many percent is permissible?":
Student plagiarism, part 1. Who is to blame?:
Student plagiarism, part 2. What to do?:
"How to improve the quality of assessment?":
"How to support the integrity of distance learning?":
"How to improve (non) distance learning":