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UNITA Virtual Mobility for Students

CHNU students have the opportunity to complete their international experience by participating virtually in one or two courses offered by one of the UNITA universities during the 2023-2024 academic year. UNITA Virtual Mobility (VM) offers the opportunity to access UNITA resources and interact with UNITA faculty and students in a virtual format, to learn about different teaching and learning methods, but without the need to physically travel to the respective university.  

There are 2 directions in UNITA VM

  • UNITA Online Courses: Language Courses 
  • UNITA Online Courses: Specialty Courses

Here you may find the link to the Course Catalogue 2024-2025.

To apply for the VM student should prepare the following list of documents:

  • CV (Europass)
  • Motivation Letter (describe the specific reasons why you should be nominated to take part in the VM and justification on the course selected)
  • Certificate of knowledge of the language used in the selected course – minimum level B1 (can be any diploma attesting medium knowledge of a foreign language or certificates issued by the foreign language departments of each faculty; not for students studying the respective language as an integral part of their specialization)*

*in case you don't possess any of the language certificates you may pass the ELT (English Level Test) at the CHNU International Office by the link.

Please submit your application to [email protected] with the email subject: UNITA_VM_NAME_SURNAME_FACULTY.

Application Deadline: 16 June 2024.

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