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Summer School on Democracy: Ukraine on the Road to the European Union

The “Summer School on Democracy: Ukraine on the Road to the European Union” is organized by the University of Wrocław in partnership with the Arqus European University Alliance and NAWA, this initiative alludes to its organized by the UWr′s Institute of Political Sciences in 2013. The school will provide young scholars with the opportunity to engage in a critical reflection on Ukraine's current political and economic transformation.

The Summer School will take place from 2 to 8  June 2024 in Wojnowice Castle, located near Wroclaw. During the 5 days of school, participants will have the opportunity to attend lectures, and workshops where they should share their points of view on the Ukrainian democratic path to the European Union, and the current war situation. PhD candidates from Ukrainian universities would present political, social, and economic changes caused by the war, and PhD candidates from Arqus would present the political, social, and economic consequences of the war in Ukraine on their countries. The detailed topics are supposed to be related to the scientific interests of individual participants.

In addition, they will have a chance to visit Wroclaw and discover the museums and other historical places.

The school will provide a unique space for open and frank discussions on sensitive topics related to Ukrainian society's European choice. It also offers an excellent opportunity for networking and exchanging views among young European professionals from different regions of the country. Overall, the event will contribute to a better understanding of euro-Atlantic integration processes among its participants and help them develop the necessary skills for effective advocacy of Ukraine′s European aspirations.

For more information: Summer School 
Place: Wojnowice, College of Eastern Europe
Allowance: 2000 PLN for travelling, 300 PLN pocket money, food and accommodation provided
Duration: 5 days + days for travelling
Date: 3-7 June 2024

Application deadline: 18 March 2024


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